lunedì 28 maggio 2012

New Collection Update and Paper Exploration

From left to (top) right: Purpurin, Dark Forest, Poppy, Chocogranate the bag

 The New Collection release keeps going on Lantern Bug's shop (and if you haven't sign up yet to the facebook event, do it now!). Last monday's set of three bobbypins "Purpurin" has made its spot on the shop, and today's the turn of the colorful pouch "Sunny Stream". 

Sunny Stream - new pouch
100% handmade by Lantern Bug

Catch the glamour of summer days with the joyful colors of Sunny Stream pouch!
Two differently striped faces animate the pearly white cinz body: schocking pink, bright orange and lemon yellow catch your eyes in a summer of love daydream.
The handle is composed of three stripes, drawing on the decorative pattern of both front and back of the handbag. On top, an orange zipper as a closure, while inside a satin white lining welcomes your belongings in.

Height/Altezza       17 cm
Width/Larghezza   23.5 cm

Afferra il fascino dei giorni d'estate con la coloratissima Sunny Stream!
Due pattern a strisce movimentano sia il fronte che il retro della pochette in cinz: rosa shocking, arancione brillante e giallo limone catturano lo sguardo in una spirale dal sapore decisamente estivo.
Il manico è composto da tre fettucce in cotone che riprendono il motivo decorativo del corpo della borsetta; la parte superiore è chiusa da una pratica zip di colore arancione, mentre l'interno è interamente foderato in raso bianco.

Then, after the mysterious picture posted some nights ago, I have to declare my renewed love for paper! It's been my very first love as a child, I used to draw every day and craft with paper whichever thing came up in my mind, from dolls' dresses to origami, puppets, fancy costumes for myself and so on. 

I am currently exploring this material again, and I am trying to turn its light and delicate nature into something more structural and someway "practically livable", always keeping in mind the eco-sustainability issue

Further news and pictures are going to illustrate this new creative path of mine, as it goes on. So, stay tuned if you're curious!

venerdì 25 maggio 2012

2 o'clock in the morning...

...And I'm here, sorting out a new eco-friendly section for Lantern Bug's shop...

What will those pieces of paper become? Any guess?

lunedì 14 maggio 2012

Chocogranate the bag

Chocogranate the Bag

The tenderness of brown chocolate and the soury sweetness of pomegranate all fused in a stylish and practical shoulderbag: Chocogranate.

The front is a Matryoshka-like progression: warm brown velvet for the body, shimmering dark red for the curved pocket and a handmade brown velvet button.

A practical brown zipper closes the top, while the adjustable cotton drawstring stripe balances the red tones. The inside is fully lined.

Handy and classy, Chocogranate can be matched with the homonymous hairpins for a stunningly glamourous Lantern Bug touch!

*** Wanna buy them together? Save money and ask me for the special -10% Chocogranate promo coupon code! ***

Height 20 cm
Width 27.5 cm

Lenght (up to) 116 cm approx.


La tenerezza del cioccolato e l'aspra dolcezza della melagrana si fondono in una pratica borsa dalla linea sinuosa e vagamente retrò: Chocogranate.

Velluto color cioccolato per il corpo, rosso granata per la tasca arrotondata ed un bottone marrone, anch'esso in velluto e rivestito a mano, si rincorrono e bilanciano a vicenda.

La parte superiore presenta una chiusura a zip di colore marrone, e la tracolla regolabile in cordoncino color granata completa la bicromia.

Come in tutte le creazioni Lantern Bug, l'interno della borsa è completamente foderato.

Pratica e ricercata, Chocogranate the bag può essere abbinata alle omonime forcine per un look originale e delicato!

*** Vuoi acquistare entrambi gli articoli? Con Lantern Bug risparmi! Chiedimi lo speciale sconto del 10% sulla linea Chocogranate! ***

Altezza 20 cm
Larghezza 27.5 cm

Lunghezza (max) 116 cm ca.

lunedì 7 maggio 2012

Poppy - a set of three super-Spring bobby pins

POPPY, a set of three super-Spring bobby pins

Golden corn fields and red poppy flowers: Lantern Bug catches their very essence in these stunningly simple bobby pins

Nylon bold red petals, black beads as seeds and golden brown pins, the spirit of Spring is synthesized to a touch of colorful freshness for your hairstyle.

Campi dorati punteggiati da papaveri rossi: Lantern Bug coglie l'essenza di Maggio e la distilla in originali e delicati fermagli per capelli

Petali rossi di leggero nylon, perline nere come piccoli semi e forcine dorate: lo spirito della Primavera si può posare ora su di te e arricchire le tue acconciature!

sabato 5 maggio 2012

Dark Forest - the velvet retro pouch

(It's time to make a proper post on this beautiful pouch!)

DARK FOREST, the velvet retro pouch

Glistening green paths in pitch-black, Dark Forest is the perfect handbag for your glamorous nights.

The black velvet body and wavy front pocket are embellished with a rouche made of bright green cady, which mirrors the soft and practical wrist handler on one side.

The top is closed by a black zip fastener and the inner body is fully layered with a very delicate and smooth flowered black lining.


Sentieri verdi e luminosi immersi nel buio più profondo, Dark Forest è la pochette perfetta per le serate più glamour.

Il corpo in velluto nero e la tasca ondulata sul davanti sono impreziositi da una rouche in cady verde smeraldo, ripresa nei colori e nel materiale dal morbido e pratico laccio laterale.

La parte superiore è chiusa da una cerniera lampo di colore nero e l'interno è totalmente rivestito con una fodera nera con decorazione floreale tono su tono.

mercoledì 2 maggio 2012

New projects on the go!

Hi there! Here's your favorite crafty bug full of exciting news!

First, Lantern Bug's new collection is finally out: new bags, new pouches, new hair accessories - all 100% genuinely handmade, of course! 

If you want to make sure you don't miss anything out, take part to the facebook event: a new item will be released each every monday and you'll be right up-to-date!

(In the picture you can notice Dark Forest pouch, the 1st item off this new collection!)

Then, Lantern Bug's building a fully new website, with lots of pictures, news&scoops and all you need to be up to date with Lantern Bug's world. Stay stitched to see what is yet to come!